Saturday, June 5, 2010

We've got grass!

We've been hard at work since March creating a landscape out of the mud and woods. I'm pretty pleased with the way it is all turning out but we are definitely either going on a 5 year plan or contracting out at least some of it. It is great to see grass (and be able now to actually walk on it). In the rightmost courner of the above pic, you can see our new crabapple tree. Eventually this will have a 20 foot canopy. Early spring brings a deep pink bud that bursts to a while flower. Now it is covered in tiny green fruit.
The woodland pathway has been great fun and I'm learning a lot. When we got the scrub and 30 years worth of fallen leaves out of the way we were blessed with several lady's slippers.

This little unplanned garden area of hosta, daylillies and irises was the result of trying to stop the topsoil from washing away until the grass grows in. After a couple of torrential thunderstorms, we had more soil on the driveway than the slope! As I write this, the blue iris' are popping and the multicolored viola I planted along the edge filled in with a pleasing display. And the soil stayed (mostly) on the slope! More to come.

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