Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We've been told that things will happen really fast from this point and that every visit to the new house will be an adventure. True, but still not fast enough for us - we are so anxious to start living in the new house!

We had a conversation with Mike about the mantle for the fireplace. He's building a custom mantle for us. We shopped for the fireplace accoutrements and we have the firewood ordered, delivered and stacked out back, so we are ready for our first night!

Doors and windowsills are being installed, painting is scheduled to happen this week and the cabinets will arrive next weekend.

I've managed to overcome my shopping exhaustion and burned another $500 on the charge card "furnishing" the bathrooms. Only items left to select are the mirrors. They have to wait until I see the cabinets in place.

We had company on our Sunday tour. The tile company was working away installing the substructure for the tiles.

As usual, the shower caused a lot of discussion. The glass insert in the end of the shower causes a lot of engineering decisions. What looks simple on paper isn't so simple in execution! Isn't that always the way?

The official move in date is October 30th. The movers are on order and we've given notice. If all goes well, the housewarming party will happen the weekend after Thanksgiving, mark your calendars!


  1. Would you still like a glass art accent tile?

  2. You bet!

    I heard your wife had a show this past weekend. We'd hope to go but a family emergency came up. It webt well for her?
